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Block of 5 x 30 minutes

5 x 30 minute weekly lessons.

220 Australian dollars

Service Description

This block of lessons allows for regularity and the opportunity to focus on a song and see it through to completion. Along the way you will be learning about different strumming techniques, rhythm and related theory. All lessons are supplied with study notes and a home practice recording sent to your phone as a text. This will help direct your practice attention and prepare the foundation for your next lesson. (terms and conditions apply)

Cancellation Policy

We all get busy and may need from time to time to cancel or reschedule your lesson. Bondi Guitar requires at least 4 hours notice in order to give other students the option of utilising your timeslot. Anything less than 4 hours notice will result in the loss of your class. Thank you for your understanding.

Contact Details

  • 270-272 Bondi Road, Bondi NSW, Australia

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