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David Felgar

Online Guitar Lessons. Good or Bad?

Updated: Jul 12

Online guitar lessons are a hot topic at the moment and with the current lockdowns in place, we all have time, on our hands, indoors.

The positive side to this is, to be stuck inside gives us all extra guitar time to practice and improve, but it’s a case of not spending too much time just noodling around and actually making time to target the aspects of your playing that need the work!

Don’t get me wrong. I spend time noodling around on the guitar. Its fun and a huge positive, especially to re-invent chops and riffs for your own songs or to spice up one of the covers in your repertoire.

Any time spent playing the guitar is a bonus and adds notches to your belt, but the key to improving is to dedicate time for focussed practice on your weaknesses to a point where you can include these new elements of your playing into your noodling and chillout sessions on the guitar, turning them into a strength.

When it comes to online lessons the key is to be prepared in advance.

The more on top of your game you are the better, so set up a good spot for the lesson with your monitor on the home office desk, using a chair, kitchen table, or a stool with no arm rests.

Key elements for a good zoom session:

  1. Play around with your positioning of the guitar and computer and get it so you are comfortable

  2. Position yourself and the guitar in front of the camera for a decent head and torso angle and the ability to zoom your right or left hand techniques in front of the camera as required. This is all pretty straight forward and is harder to explain than to actually do, so don't stress out.

  3. Turn on a few lights, like a desk light and direct it up to illuminate your face. Also turn on the overhead lights.

  4. Click on the Skype or Zoom icon to check how illuminated your image is and adjust the lighting accordingly.

  5. Allow yourself some time to get all your lesson material organised, any questions, a pen and paper for note taking.

  6. Tune up the guitar and warm up with some scales, chords, riffs, whatever you are working on.

A really important aspect of any face to face or online lesson is to be warmed up prior to get the most of the lesson and maximise your time.

Online lessons are different to a face to face lesson. The audio quality of an online lesson can be a bit muddy at times, but the systems are updating and improving all the time.

The bottom line is that while the lockdown and restrictions are in place, you have a unique opportunity to make guitar practice and your playing skills a priority.

My suggestion is to think about what you want to achieve on the guitar and the level of commitment you’re prepared to make. The fastest way to improve is by committing to regular practice, weekly lessons and develop a routine to maintain focus and keep you on track.

When your playing has developed to the point where you can play your repertoire with some confidence, start recording yourself and have a real listen and a critique session. Initially you will cringe, but stick with it and consider them all little wins along the long road of your guitar journey.

I hope these tips have motivated you to take action with your playing, raise your level of commitment and help you develop some solid practice techniques.

Above all, remember to have fun. The real essence of learning guitar is to make music and to share the experience the others.

Whatever you decide to do, whether that's starting online Guitar lessons or holding off until the lockdown is over. Try to keep your momentum, your drive and your learning curve climbing upwards.

Take care everyone and If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call, text or email .

Regards David

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